Meet Project Pargo, the premium reusable drinkware that changes lives


I have had the chance to work with some pretty incredible people over my career and today I’d like you to meet two of these incredible people – Ellie and Dylan, co-founders of Project Pargo. Every time someone purchases a cup or bottle from their range of premium insulated drinkware, Ellie and Dylan can provide a person in need in a remote, poverty stricken community access to clean water for 5 years.

It was while traveling that Ellie and Dylan personally experienced the reality – clean water still doesn’t come easily to everyone. And so their mission to deliver, teach and implement simple gravity-fed water filters that have the potential to change lives and communities instantly was born.

Ellie recently told me a little more about their lifestyle on Australia’s Sunshine Coast and the difference they hope Project Pargo will create in the world – I hope you enjoy this incredible read!


What do you wake up thinking about each morning, and go to sleep thinking about every night?

We are generally always thinking about the ocean, the wind and the waves.

What three words would you use to sum up the impact your brand has on the world?

Reduce, reuse and give.

What daily rituals do you have that are non-negotiable, to help you live the happiest and healthiest version of your life?

We always start the day with a coffee! Either surf then coffee, or coffee and exercise, followed by a quick discussion on what needs to be achieved for the day ahead.

What does a day in the life you’ve created look like?

After we spend the early morning together doing what we love, we get to work on what we are passionate about at Project Pargo – helping people in need, reducing waste and living life outdoors.

Can you share your fave place to eat, or a dish you love to make?

Mexican food wins every time!

What exciting goals do you have for where you want to take your business next?

Definitely expansion throughout Australia and more remote water giving trips – as soon as the travel bans are lifted.