Plan less, achieve more. Make things happen with my month-to-month business planning process


If you’re anything like me, your long term vision and goals are crystal-clear. But do you find yourself becoming easily lost in the day-to-day running of / working in your business – only to end each week feeling as if you haven’t made any real progress towards achieving your dreams?

My simple, month-to-month approach to business planning might help!

In the past, I sat down at the beginning of each year and looked forward to all that I wanted to achieve, and like many of us think we ‘should’ do, I wrote out a detailed plan of how I’d make that all happen.

But the problem with this approach is that it doesn’t allow any flexibility for the inevitable ups and downs of life, or take in to account the incredible opportunities and influences that might come our way – and it offers no grace when you don’t achieve what you set out to.

Instead, I designed a simple 5 step process that I make time to complete before each new month begins, which keeps me connected to my long term vision – while inspiring me to set short term, actionable tasks that I know are achievable within a short timeframe, and will actually impact my ability to achieve my dreams.

Head over to my Instagram story Masterclasses highlight to hear me talk through my monthly business planning process, and download a copy of my template here.
