Meet Amy, and her purpose driven brand, Eating Fit


I have had the absolute pleasure of knowing and working with Amy for 7+ years now, and the word I can use to best describe her is inspiring. Amy has always impressed me beyond measure, even from the moment we first met. I forever admire her dedication to learning and expanding her capabilities, so that she can continue to serve the people she works with as a dietitian in even more meaningful and impactful ways.

When Amy spoke to me about the newest evolution of her business, Eating Fit, I was actually blown away. Not only by the scale of the impact she wanted to create in improving people’s positive relationship with food, but also the depth of the problem. The refreshed brand for Eating Fit is the culmination of her grand vision and my dedication to the powerful work she is doing to reshape the way people engage with food in their lives. I think most people would agree that this is a much needed service in today’s age of incredible social media influence.

I asked myself continually when working on this project, how the potential client would be feeling and what they would be thinking? To help bridge the gap between their feelings of despair, anxiety, guilt and pain, I created a space where optimism, acceptance and support overpower. Language also plays a powerful role in the brand experience, helping the potential client begin to reconnect with their inner strength, reframe negative thought patterns, create positive emotions and promote positive relationships – especially by making Amy and her approachability front and centre.

There are many more nuances to this brand, but for the most part, they are intended to go unnoticed and simply represent a space where the client feels this is the ‘right’ place to take the first step towards a positive relationship with food filled with joy, satisfaction and inner peace.

Amy spoke to me about what health and happiness looks like for her, and how this shows up in her day and even though she’s a dietician, you’ll be surprised to learn that the way she practices self care is simply to focus on the absolute basics. I believe this is a message that can benefit and inspire everyone in some way and I really hope you enjoy this read.


What do you wake up thinking about each morning, and go to sleep thinking about every night?

I love the sense of freshness and opportunity that mornings offer and I always wake up thinking ‘what do I have on today?’ and ‘want do I want to get out of today?’ As a young child I was always the first one up and often the first one to bed – not much has changed! I don’t set an alarm as I have no trouble waking up before 6:30am – my appetite carries me to the kitchen excited for my warm bowl of porridge! I am at least 3 times more productive in the morning compared to the evening. At the end of the day my thoughts vary a lot. Ultimately my thinking is very ‘light’ at this time. I often think about exciting opportunities or events I have coming up and allow myself to float off into these thoughts.

What three words would you use to sum up the impact your brand has on the world?

Empowerment, satisfaction, confidence.

What daily rituals do you have that are non-negotiable, to help you live the happiest and healthiest version of your life?

I start each day with breakfast and then a 15-20 mindfulness practice before checking any emails or social media. I try not to do any work or emails after dinner and I don’t take my phone into my bedroom. This is to reduce the activity in my brain and allow me to slow down and prepare for rest. I don’t like going to bed with stressful thoughts about work that needs to be finished, emails that need to be sent or replying to a comment from someone on Instagram I haven’t even met. I have a history of insomnia so adhering to these guidelines is important for me.

What does a day in the life you’ve created look like?

– waking early, often between 5-6:30am, excited for the new day ahead
– breakfast of a big warm bowl of porridge with a variety of fruit, flaxseed oil, milk and yoghurt
– my own personal mindfulness practice, which helps me to feel clear on what I want to get done during the day to best serve me
– planning, at the start of the week I create a weekly planner and tick off and add to this during the week
– work for a few hours, often at a café with a latte
– yoga; a class or self-practice, a strength training session or a walk with my dog
– early home cooked lunch and shower ready for seeing clients in the office or online via video conference. I usually consult 12:30-5:15pm week days and occasionally on Saturdays. Sometimes my afternoons are spent giving a presentation or creating content for a client in the area of health, fitness and nutrition.
– if I have a gap during the afternoon with clients I will take my dog for a walk or will have scheduled this in earlier in the morning. I always leave my phone behind as a way to find presence. I find this time really recharging!
– home by 5:30pm and preparing dinner for my husband and I, we eat together around 6:30pm
– after dinner I relax on the couch with a hot chocolate, watch a bit of TV, catch up with my husband, or play with my dog Darby
– bed by 9pm most nights, sometimes with a book. I almost always have 8 hours sleep.

Can you share your fave place to eat, or a dish you love to make?

My favourite meal is a ragu pasta made with some kind of red meat and red sauce with veggies on the side. I refuse to cook it myself to keep it special and something I look forward to. This is my husbands ‘special dish’ but he can get a bit busy with work sometimes, so instead we will go out which I also enjoy. My favourite places for pasta include Café Cuccina, Café Distasio and 38 Chairs, all in South Yarra. Otto in Sydney had a very memorable lamb ragu too!

What advice would you give other people wanting to start their own business, now that you have successfully rebranded yours?

Your business and what you offer needs to align with your values and what you believe your purpose in life is. If it doesn’t, you wont wake up excited about going to work and you will have just bought yourself a ‘job’. When your business aligns with your values and purpose it won’t feel like work, it will feel like hobby and something you were just made to do!

What exciting goals do you have for where you want to take your business next?

A long standing goal I have is to offer online live courses which will give me the opportunity to support a larger audience, but also provide each participant with a safe space to share their own personal journey and struggles, and gain from community support to take brave steps together.